Friday, May 22, 2009

Car Insurance and Safety Tips For Teen Drivers

Do you have a teenager getting ready to turn in their permit for a driver's license? If you are, then keep reading! Adding on a teen driver to your car insurance can raise rates. Are you aware that drivers under 25 are four times as likely to be in an accident then drivers with more experience? This is according to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And that is what makes adding a young teenage driver to your auto insurance policy can be expensive. Most insurance premiums will increase around 50 to 100 percent. There are ways to save money that can help to off-set this type of ridiculous rate increase.

Try any or all of the following tips below, they will help you save time and money on your teen's car insurance policy.

1. Good Grade Discounts: For the most part, insurers will offer discounts (usually around 10-20%) for teen drivers that met the requirements of a Good Student Discount offer. This discount is usually offered to full-time students that have a B average or above. For most young drivers this is a great incentive to work at keeping their grades up.

2. Car Insurance Policy: Ask your agent about adding your teenager on to your automobile insurance policy as an additional driver rather than setting up an independent policy. This will permit you both to possibly qualify for even more discounts.

3. Get Free Quotes Online: Use the Internet and find hundreds of auto insurance quotes. Good Grade Discounts Insurance rates can change from time to time, it is best to compare a couple of competing company quotes online. If your teen has an older car, that can also help to lower the cost.

The high price of teen auto insurance doesn't have to put you in unnecessary financial stress. You can get dependable, affordable teen auto insurance by following the good advice provided above.

Now onto safety! Making sure that your teenager is safe while driving and having the right amount of auto insurance coverage is something all parents should be concerned about. Parents can learn how to help their teen be a safe and responsible driver. Talking honestly and openly about the risk of teen automobile accidents can save lives. Showing them the importance of safe driving is crucial. The following guidelines will help you communicate this to your teenage driver.

1. Speed Limit: Teach them to always obey the speed limit and the traffic laws.

2. Seat Belts: Make sure they understand the importance of using seat belts and having all passengers buckle up.

3. Don't Drink and Drive: You can't over emphasize enough the importance of not mixing drinking with driving! Help your teenagers to steer clear of harmful peer pressure. Driving while impaired is one of the leading causes of teenage deaths in vehicle crashes and these numbers have been increasing in recent years. Be certain your teen will remember that they can call you to come get them at any time of the day or night. This is an unconditional agreement you should have with your teen, so they do not feel threaten or hesitate calling you when the need arises.

4. Road Conditions: Teach your teen how to drive at night, in bad weather and on changing road conditions.

5. State Regulations: Have them review your state legal regulations that are applicable to all drivers, such as seat belts, cell phone restrictions, etc. and then verbally test with them on it.

6. Other Drivers: Help them learn how to notice and avoid impaired drivers or vehicles with safety issues.

7. Passengers: The safety of your teen and those with them and around them should be a topic of discussion. Your teen should not be allowed to drive with non-family members in the car for the first 6 months to a year, unless an adult is in the car with them. It is important to find out what the age restrictions your state may have.

8. Restrictions and Privileges: Write down reasonable restrictions on your teenager's driving privileges, such as limiting the amount of passengers, driving location distances and/or reduced nighttime driving.

9. Driving Distance: Tell them how to maintain a safe distance from other cars on the road.

10. Communication: Make it understood they are to inform you where they are going and when they are going to be back. You can also ask them which route they plan on taking and maybe suggest a better one that will save them time or be a safer choice. Good communication can help save lives!

11. Distractions: Teach them to deal with distractions, such as friends, phones and music.

Creating your own personal Parent and Teen Driving Agreement will help keep the lines of communication open and effective. You can help your teenager gain experience without mishaps and also gain additional privileges as they adhere to your driving agreement.

Ramona Jackson enjoys writing articles of current interest that are prevalent in today's society with ideas and information that will benefit her readers. For more money saving tips on car insurance, please visit Ramona's Blog at

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How Filing Claims Affects Your Car Insurance

Car insurance is a funny thing. Most people can't stand paying for it. Only when they need it are they really happy that they did. While everyone complains about the amount they pay in premiums, the truth is you can do a lot to lower those amounts. In this article, we take a look at the issue of how filing claims against the insurance policies will affect your car insurance rates.

There are two very distinct views when it comes to car insurance. Some people view their policy as a pool of money that they can access whenever they need to. Others view it as a financial tool that should be used only as last resort. Your attitude toward your car insurance goes along way to establishing how much you're going to pay in premiums. For some reason, this is a big surprise to most people. It should not be. Let's take a closer look at how this works.

Let's say you're fresh out of college and you have a job. You living in an apartment in a decent part of town. Unfortunately, you don't have a garage. You come out of your house one morning to drive to work and noticed a dent in the side of your door. The dent isn't too bad, but it's clear that the paint is scraped and the door is dinged in. What do you do? You really have two options. The first is to take it to a repair shop and get it repaired with your own money. The second is to take it to your insurance company and have them deal with it. The first option is going to cost you more in the short term, but the second option may cost you in the long-term.

The more often you file claims under insurance policies, the higher your premium rates are going to go. Why is this? Well, think it through. The more often there are claims on the policy, the more money the insurance company has to spend. You can bet the insurance company is going to be paying close attention to how much money they're spending on your policies. Once they realize that they're spending more and more money, they're going to do one of two things. The first is to raise your premium rates the next time you renew your insurance. If you really go nuts with your claims, they will simply cancel your policy.

So, how do you know if you're making too many claims under policy? The average for all insured motorists in the United States is one claim approximately every 11 years. Yes, 11 years! Once your insurance premium rates start going up because of excessive claims, it can be very difficult to get them to come back down. As a result, you want to be really careful of making claims.

You buy car insurance for a reason. It is important that you figure out what that reason is. If you hate paying high premiums, take care of small repairs on your own. If you don't really care how large your premiums are, then you can make as many claims as you like. It is up to you.

Thomas Ajava writes about auto insurance for - where you can get more auto insurance information.

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Facts Affecting Your Auto Insurance Premium

Looking for affordable international auto insurance is important. While trying to understand your premium's cost it can be difficult to calculate why you are paying your current premium. Knowing a few important facts that your insurers usually do not tell you will help you know why you are paying your current premiums.

Good or Bad Credit - Your credit score plays a much bigger role in the cost of your insurance then most agents would admit. In fact most drivers do not even realize that credit is even part of the calculation. The reason why your credit score is used in determining international auto insurance is because of the liability insurers face if you do not pay regularly. Also the worse the credit score the higher the insurance premium drivers receive to protect insurers from future negligence.

Make and Model - The car's make and model are used to determine how much your monthly premium will be for your foreign auto coverage. If you have a particular car that is easily stolen and known to be problematic then your rates might increase. Likewise an extremely expense make or model will increase your policies rate to protect the insurers in case of a collision or accident.

By understanding these two important factors, drivers can be educated in why they pay their current or future auto insurance premiums. Other important factors besides credit scores and make and model can contribute to premiums overall cost so further research is important when buying foreign car insurance.

Find: Discount European Auto Insurance Premiums

Buy Cheap: European Breakdown Cover

Edward Fresco is an expert in the field of European Auto Insurance

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Short Term Car Insurance - Temporary Coverage!

Anyone looking for car insurance in today's market is faced with numerous options. Traditionally, the year-long insurance has been the norm in the market. Most dealers, when they deliver the car to the customer, automatically provide this kind of car insurance. More often than not, it is a package deal that is offered by some of the larger insurance companies, or locally renowned insurance service providers.

Trouble is it may not be the most suitable cover to serve your specific needs! Consider the following:

• What happens when one of your family members takes your car out for a spin, but the cover happens to be on your name?

• Conversely, if you take another person's car for a drive, will you be covered if you happen to meet with an accident (hopefully minor!)

• If you use a driver, does the policy automatically cover them?

• If you only use your car occasionally, why pay a premium for year-long insurance cover?

Most package-deal car insurance policies don't automatically cover such eventualities. What's more! Since the cover lasts for the duration of a year, the premium amounts you are required to pay can be very high. This is where the concept of short term car insurance (or day car insurance as it is better known) can prove to be a life saver. A money saver too, depending on your perspective!

Short term cover is highly suitable for:

• Those hiring a car or borrowing a friend's vehicle

• Those lending a car to a friend or relative

• Those employing drivers to drive them around or even

• Temporary additional drivers, which could include overseas visitors

So, you no longer need to pay a high premium to get coverage that is structured to suit your specific requirements. Day car insurance is quick, reliable and is often offered by some of the biggest and most renowned companies in the insurance business. Since the coverage is for a day (maybe ranging up to a few weeks) the formalities you need to complete are minimal. You can get access to this kind of insurance very quickly. This makes it ideal for the business traveller. In fact, most car rental firms like Avis and Hertz offer this kind of quick, efficient car insurance to clients who use their daily or weekly car rental services.

So the next time you are looking for affordable insurance for a short trip, make sure to check out the options offered by companies dealing with day car insurance. Be aware though that like any other commodity, you will need to do a bit of research to identify the company that offers a plan that suits your specific needs. However, considering that this is becoming a regular feature, you should not have too much of trouble. Happy motoring!

Sadhana D, Expert Author, Platinum author

For more information on Short Term Car Insurance:

Short Term Car Insurance

Information on Day Insurance:

Day Insurance

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Get Free California Auto Insurance Quotes and Start Saving Today!

Getting insurance for you vehicle is an important step towards the well being of you and your family and must not be considered a liability. It is, in fact, undeniably an asset. California auto insurance schemes cover unfortunate incidents such as car thefts, accidents and legal liabilities. You may be driving very very carefully, or following traffic rules religiously, but there is always a chance that maybe someone else is not being as careful as you.

In case, God forbid, your vehicle is involved in such a case, it may not take your life, but an accident can create a deep dent in your life savings if you are not insured. Medical bills, garage repairs, legal advice etc. - having a California auto insurance will take care of all this for you and more, depending upon the terms of the insurance agreement documents.

For the people of the state of California who apply for auto insurance, it will come as a good news that the California state legal prescription for the insurance cover under the Bodily Injury Liability is set at a minimum limit of $ 15 000 per injured person. This limit can be stretched to a maximum limit of $ 30 000 per accident. The minimum limit advised for the cover under the Property Damage Liability Cover is $ 5 000. the s6ystem of basic coverage in the state of California, is therefore also commonly known as the 15/30/5 coverage. The state of California also recognizes The California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan which advises the maximum and minimum figures for the limits for the drivers in the state of California at $10 000/$20 000/ $ 3000 respectively.

The Uninsured/Under insured Motorist Bodily injury coverage is another insurance policy worth considering. This insures you against any bodily injury caused by any driver who is uninsured or under insured. This coverage is not required or mandatory by the state of California. Nevertheless, it is a good option.

By now it must have become very clear that the terms prescribed for cover in the state of California are more consumer friendly that those prescribed in many other states. However, there is more good news. The good news is that these terms can be further improvised. That is to say, that these terms are not fixed or limited. Many people wrongly believe, and to their own disadvantage, that the terms and limits of the insurance rates are fixed by the state.

This is not true. You can go ahead and search for the best deal that suits you and fits into your plan or preference. In this competitive field, many companies should be willing to offer you special schemes and options. Make sure that you do your research well.

The average California auto insurance, premium rates for the residents of California in the year 2009 is $ 1 705. Compare that with the average national annual insurance premium for car insurance, which stands at $ 1,766. The lower state rates should be encouragement enough to buy a policy.

Shopping for California auto insurance online is a better option that can save you hundreds of dollars right away. This website also can help you compare car insurance quotes and save today!

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Get Hold of Day Insurance!

Most of the people are aware that finding a suitable insurance policy is not an easy task. With the market flooded with innumerable policies, it might indeed be a daunting task to choose the best cover that fulfills all your needs. When it comes to car insurance, it is even more difficult. Ideally, you must choose a cover that carries a favourable rate and offer maximum benefits. You can look online and choose a policy that offers maximum benefits to you.

This helps you save a substantial amount of time and money. You can also choose from various quotes and compare the features. What's more? You can also specify your requirements. Some insurance providers offer a cover that suits personal requirements. It is advisable you do a careful research about the company that is offering cover. A financially stable insurer can provide best cover.

Day insurance provides cover for a day for those who are driving a car for a day. Sometimes, you may also need an extra driver to share driving while on a long journey. You can also make use of the cover if you need to test drive a car. This provides quick relief and helps you get coverage against any possible damages. Generally, the need for temporary car insurance arises when an additional driver needs to be covered immediately for a short period. The need for temporary car arises when an additional driver needs to be covered immediately for a short period of time.

Looking online can also help you get a cover at a favourable rate. Short term car insurance has been specifically designed to meet the needs of those who need a car to drive for a day or two only. Insurance for a day allows you to enjoy the following benefits:

• Fully comprehensive cover.

• Get an affordable daily pricing structure.

• Day insurance plans for family, small business group, large business group.

• Get a no obligation free quote.

It would be unwise to risk your life for the short period. Day insurance is the best way to protect yourself against injuries or damage to vehicle. Unlike yearly insurance, this kind of cover involves a lesser amount of money making it easily affordable to all. It also allows you to add a friend or relative to your insurance cover. While choosing a cover, you must not give priority to the price of insurance. The features and its relevance carries equal weightage.

In times of emergency, a driver can rely on this service. There are innumerable insurance companies that offer favourable cover. These kinds of policies can provide a suitable option for those who are looking to avoid placing themselves on somebody else's policy.

Sadhna D, Expert Author, Platinum author

For more information on Day Insurance:

Day Insurance

Information on Short Term Car Insurance:

Short Term Car Insurance

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Cut Your Auto Insurance Cost - Tips That Can Save You Hundreds

The first rule to cutting your auto insurance costs is to shop. The easiest way to shop for auto insurance is to get online and search for free quotes.

Consider raising your deductible. The deductible is only paid when your insurance company pays out a claim. If you set your deductible to $1,000-$1,500, you will see savings in your premium after a few years.

Keep a good driving record. This one is a no-brainer. The more accidents a driver has, the riskier they become to insure. This is why auto insurance rates go up after a collision. Some companies are more forgiving than others, however, which is why it is such a good idea to do a lot of comparison shopping.

Drive a modest, safe vehicle. High performance cars are easier to drive recklessly, which is why they cost so much to insure. If you own a car that has a high theft rate or expensive parts, you will also end up paying more to insure it.
Adding a second vehicle or your home to your insurance plan can also save you money. Auto insurance companies quite often offer discounts for bundling, and better rates for years of loyalty. It has become increasingly common for insurance companies to consider your credit rate as they tally your premium.

Insurance companies love to tack on fees for little specifics that you have no control over, such as gender. In most places, women pay less than men for car insurance. Some states have stopped using gender as factor; instead of giving men a break, this usually just means that women end up paying a little more. Those who live in cities have higher rates as well, because of the volume of traffic.

Sometimes you can combat the little things. Take a defensive driving course that is approved by your car insurance company to decrease your premium. Adding anti-theft technology to your car should also quality you for a discount. Be sure to mention if you are a teacher or an engineer; people who hold jobs like these are statistically less likely to have a collision.

If you are worried about car insurance cost go to my website, put in your zip code, choose one of the companies that come up, and fill out one of their forms. It's free and cant hurt any, you might even save some money. Check it out here--> Click Here

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Should You Buy Road Service As Part of Your Car Insurance?

It is amazing how things have changed in these modern times. It wasn't that long ago that when you had problems with your car, you had to hike up and down the road trying to find somebody to help you. Well those days are long gone. Now there is something known as road service. It is truly one of the great inventions of these modern times!

What is road service? It is exactly what the name suggests. If you have a problem, you simply contact the phone number provided. A service professional will be sent out to your location to assist you. The service professional is usually a local provider who will take a look at the car and make any simple repairs on the spot. If the car can't be repaired quickly and easily, they will then arrange for the car to be towed to a facility. You'll then be given a ride home or transportation will be arranged. It is a wonderful service!

If you purchased a new car in the last five years, you're probably already well aware of what road service is. It did not originate as an insurance product. Instead, car manufacturers started offering it as an enticement to buy their cars. Manufacturers such as BMW and Mercedes were some of the first to do this. As is often the case in industry, the other manufacturers started offering it once they saw how successful it was for the original manufacturers.

If you have a new car, there's no reason to buy road service as part of your car insurance. The manufacturer will cover it for an initial period that can be anywhere between three and five years depending on the program their offering. But what if that time is past? Should you buy roadside service as part of your car insurance? The answer is that you probably should not. There are a couple of reasons.

The first reason you should not buy road service as part of your car insurance has to do with the quality of the service. Simply put, other groups like AAA are far better at handling it. They've been doing it forever and they have the service down to a fine art. When you have a problem, you just call and AAA takes care of everything. As an additional benefit, you do not have to file a claim or anything of that sort. Everything is simply handled by AAA as part of the flat fee you pay for membership.

There's an additional reason why you should not buy road service as part of your car insurance that is little more subtle. Some car insurance companies consider calls for road service to constitute a claim. The premiums you pay for your insurance are determined by a number of different factors. One of the factors is the number of claims you make on your policy. You can probably see where I'm going with this. Let's assume you have three problems with cars on the road in the next five years and call for road service each time. If your insurance company considers each of those problems to be a claim, your premiums are going to skyrocket! That will be a disaster.

Road service is a great thing and you should definitely arrange to have it. That being said, including as part of your car insurance is probably not the best idea. There are other options that are better from both an economic and strategic perspective.

Thomas Ajava writes about auto insurance companies for

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Car Insurance For Learners - How You Can Lower the Costs

Car insurance for learners can be pretty expensive, but insurance companies have good reasons for charging such high premiums. Drivers under 25 years of age are the most likely to get into bad vehicular accidents, after all. Add that to the fact that most learners have never really driven a car before, and you're on an uphill climb to getting cheaper car insurance for learners.

Most learners are either students or adults who simply have never decided to drive before. Either way, getting cheap learner car insurance isn't easy -- you'll need to do certain things to make car insurance companies look at you favorably. Here are a few things you might want to remember.

#1 - If you're a student, you can lower your premiums by driving an older relative's car.

An alternative to getting learner car insurance is to add the coverage to an older relative's existing car insurance plan. It's much cheaper since this setup lets the insurance company deal with an older, more responsible individual instead of you.

Of course, the downside of this is that if anything happens to the car while you're driving it, your relative will bear the consequences -- after all, it's THEIR insurance plan. So basically in this setup, the risk falls upon your relative instead of the insurance company. If you want to do things this way, then you'd better have some pretty trusting relatives!

#2 - Getting good marks in school can lower your premiums.

If you're still studying and you really want to get your own insurance plan, then make sure to keep good grades in school. Some insurance companies give cheaper car insurance for learners who do well in their studies simply because it's a sign that they're more responsible and trustworthy than their peers -- consequently less likely to get into accidents.

#3 - Finish a driving course.

Another great selling point would be to take and finish a driving course. When you manage to pass a driving course, it'll tell insurance companies that you're more adept behind the wheel than other people your age, and are therefore a much smaller risk than most.

There are other ways to get cheaper car insurance for learners, so make sure to ask around. Some companies may require you to take certain medical tests to ensure you're not susceptible to conditions that can be dangerous on the road, such as diabetes or epilepsy. Be patient and go through the motions they ask of you, and you'll get good terms yet.

Don't let the high cost of car insurance drain your wallet. To learn more about car insurance for learners visit us at now

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Top Five Tips For Getting Cheap Car Insurance Abroad

Getting car insurance abroad is the same task it is in your homeland. The five tips are listed below and will be described in full throughout this article.

1. Smaller Vehicle
2. Don't drive as much
3. Having insurance in a woman's name
4. Be educated in driving laws
5. Raise Your Deductible

By having a small car, you use less gas but increase chances of getting destroyed in an accident. A bigger vehicle will reduce this risk. To cut down on gas, you can simply not drive as much. Many insurance companies world-wide are helping cut down on fuel costs by giving their customers a discount on their premiums when they drive under a certain mileage. This can be achieved by using local public transportation whilst abroad or simply walking/riding a bike to places when you don't need a car.

Another good way of cutting down on insurance costs is to have it under a woman's name. As women are statistically at a lower risk of getting in an accident than males, a woman's premiums are cheaper than a man's.

Also, by educating yourself in the local driving laws, this too can save you money on your premiums as you are less likely to get into an accident. You can also raise your deductible when you make a claim and save money on your premiums. That means that if you set your deductible to $500, when you do get in an accident you will have to payout $500 before the insurance company will take action, but then they will pay for the rest of the costs and your premiums won't go up. In the meantime, you will be paying less each month.

Find: Low-Cost insurance Abroad.

Buy Cheap: European Breakdown Cover

Edward Fresco is an expert in the field of European Auto Insurance

Car Insurance For Learners - How You Can Lower the Costs

Car insurance for learners can be pretty expensive, but insurance companies have good reasons for charging such high premiums. Drivers under 25 years of age are the most likely to get into bad vehicular accidents, after all. Add that to the fact that most learners have never really driven a car before, and you're on an uphill climb to getting cheaper car insurance for learners.

Most learners are either students or adults who simply have never decided to drive before. Either way, getting cheap learner car insurance isn't easy -- you'll need to do certain things to make car insurance companies look at you favorably. Here are a few things you might want to remember.

#1 - If you're a student, you can lower your premiums by driving an older relative's car.

An alternative to getting learner car insurance is to add the coverage to an older relative's existing car insurance plan. It's much cheaper since this setup lets the insurance company deal with an older, more responsible individual instead of you.

Of course, the downside of this is that if anything happens to the car while you're driving it, your relative will bear the consequences -- after all, it's THEIR insurance plan. So basically in this setup, the risk falls upon your relative instead of the insurance company. If you want to do things this way, then you'd better have some pretty trusting relatives!

#2 - Getting good marks in school can lower your premiums.

If you're still studying and you really want to get your own insurance plan, then make sure to keep good grades in school. Some insurance companies give cheaper car insurance for learners who do well in their studies simply because it's a sign that they're more responsible and trustworthy than their peers -- consequently less likely to get into accidents.

#3 - Finish a driving course.

Another great selling point would be to take and finish a driving course. When you manage to pass a driving course, it'll tell insurance companies that you're more adept behind the wheel than other people your age, and are therefore a much smaller risk than most.

There are other ways to get cheaper car insurance for learners, so make sure to ask around. Some companies may require you to take certain medical tests to ensure you're not susceptible to conditions that can be dangerous on the road, such as diabetes or epilepsy. Be patient and go through the motions they ask of you, and you'll get good terms yet.

Don't let the high cost of car insurance drain your wallet. To learn more about car insurance for learners visit us at now

Where to Get The Best Quote on Auto Insurance

Where can you find the best quote on your auto insurance? The answer is no further than your computer - insurance comparison websites on the Internet.

Why Use Insurance Comparison Websites?

When you buy auto insurance, it's very important that you take time to shop around and compare rates from several different companies. The quote you get from one company can be hundreds of dollars more a year than the quote from another company!

Of course, you can get quotes to compare by calling or visiting several insurance agencies in your city or neighborhood. However, the Internet is a much faster and easier option for doing your comparison shopping. It only takes a few minutes and can do it from the comfort of your home.

What's Involved?

All you have to do is go to an insurance comparison website and type in information about yourself and your insurance needs. For example, you'll need to enter:

* Your vehicle's make and model.

* Information about your driving record, such as accidents and tickets.

* The amount of coverage that you want. Remember that you must at least meet your state's minimum limits. You can go to your state's Department of Insurance website to find out what those limits are.

* Whether you want comprehensive and collision coverage. Collision coverage pays to repair or replace your car after an accident, while comprehensive coverage pays for other damage to your car, such as caused by hail, vandalism, or theft. (Note that both cover only up to the Blue Book value of your car.)

* If you do choose to get comprehensive and collision coverage, what deductible you want. The higher your deductible is, the lower your premium will be. For example, raising your deductible from $250 to $1,000 can save you up to 50%.

Once you have all your information entered, you submit the form and wait for your quotes to arrive. You will receive quotes from several different companies, all of which are guaranteed to be A-rated. It's an easy matter to compare the quotes and choose an affordable policy.

Visit or click on the following link to get the best auto insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on where to get the best auto insurance quote.

Classic Car Insurance - How Does it Work?

If you're looking for car insurance for a classic car what sort of policy features do you need and how can you find a good deal? This guide will explain.

Classic car insurance works differently to conventional car insurance. Firstly, classic cars are categorised based on age as follows:

- Veterans: Referring to vehicles manufactured up to December 1904.

- Edwardian: Vehicles produced from January 1905-December 1918.

- Vintage: Vehicles manufactured between December 1918 and 1933.

- Classics: Normally these vehicles are manufactured before 1974 although there are exceptions.

- Cherished: These are collectible or rare vehicles that are five- to 10 years old.

Once you have established which category your vehicle fits into, it's time to get in touch with an insurer. With conventional insurers, your first move should be to compare quotes online with a comparison website. However, with classic cars you should also consider specialist insurers such as Footman James, Heritage Motor and Performance Direct.

Specialist insurers often offer unique policy options that are well suited to classic car drivers. Typically these include agreed valuations in case your vehicle is written off in an accident; courtesy cars; cover for events such as rallies and sprints; and laid-up insurance if your car is off the road while being restored.

Indeed specialist classic car insurance providers may also offer unique discounts such as money off for joining a car club or for agreeing to a limited mileage.

Whichever classic car you own however, don't pay over the odds for classic car insurance. Remember you can still compare quotes from conventional insurers if the specialists are too expensive - they may not offer the same policy options but many regular providers will still offer classic car insurance quotes.

For cheap car insurance, regardless of whether your vehicle is considered a classic, remember to enhance the security of your car, park in a garage at night and pay annually rather than monthly. Most car insurance providers also offer no-claims discounts to safe drivers.

Considerations When Choosing From Vehicle Insurance Quotes

Choosing car insurance in South Africa can really be a daunting task.
This article gives some ideas on how to go about choosing cover that suits your individual needs.
When choosing the right vehicle insurance quotes for your needs, it is important to keep the following in mind:

- Suitability of the cover
- Payment options
- Discounts that apply

Suitability of the cover
It is vital to have vehicle insurance cover that is tailor made to suit your needs.
In this way, you ensure that you only pay for the aspects of car insurance that you really need.
If you drive a lot, you need more than third party cover. One comprehensive vehicle insurance plan makes the process of payment and plans simpler and easier to manage. However, you need to keep in mind that it is important to shop around and find a policy that meets your needs.

You cannot afford to drive on South African roads without comprehensive vehicle insurance.
That is why you need to find a policy that allows you to be able to save on insurance premiums and create a policy that fits your needs perfectly.

Discounts that Apply
Each vehicle insurance quote indicates the specific requirements of individual clients.

To ensure that you receive applicable discounts, it is necessary for you to provide information relevant to your risk profile.

This includes the year in which you received your driver's license, the average distance you drive in a month, and the period that you have already been insured.

The more information that you supply, the easier it is for consultants to create a policy that includes all of the discounts that apply to your specific driving history.

Payment options
It is vital to educate yourself on all aspects of your vehicle insurance policy, in order to make informed decisions on the right fit for you.

The variable part of the premium is determined by the kilometers driven in your vehicle.