Friday, May 22, 2009

Car Insurance and Safety Tips For Teen Drivers

Do you have a teenager getting ready to turn in their permit for a driver's license? If you are, then keep reading! Adding on a teen driver to your car insurance can raise rates. Are you aware that drivers under 25 are four times as likely to be in an accident then drivers with more experience? This is according to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And that is what makes adding a young teenage driver to your auto insurance policy can be expensive. Most insurance premiums will increase around 50 to 100 percent. There are ways to save money that can help to off-set this type of ridiculous rate increase.

Try any or all of the following tips below, they will help you save time and money on your teen's car insurance policy.

1. Good Grade Discounts: For the most part, insurers will offer discounts (usually around 10-20%) for teen drivers that met the requirements of a Good Student Discount offer. This discount is usually offered to full-time students that have a B average or above. For most young drivers this is a great incentive to work at keeping their grades up.

2. Car Insurance Policy: Ask your agent about adding your teenager on to your automobile insurance policy as an additional driver rather than setting up an independent policy. This will permit you both to possibly qualify for even more discounts.

3. Get Free Quotes Online: Use the Internet and find hundreds of auto insurance quotes. Good Grade Discounts Insurance rates can change from time to time, it is best to compare a couple of competing company quotes online. If your teen has an older car, that can also help to lower the cost.

The high price of teen auto insurance doesn't have to put you in unnecessary financial stress. You can get dependable, affordable teen auto insurance by following the good advice provided above.

Now onto safety! Making sure that your teenager is safe while driving and having the right amount of auto insurance coverage is something all parents should be concerned about. Parents can learn how to help their teen be a safe and responsible driver. Talking honestly and openly about the risk of teen automobile accidents can save lives. Showing them the importance of safe driving is crucial. The following guidelines will help you communicate this to your teenage driver.

1. Speed Limit: Teach them to always obey the speed limit and the traffic laws.

2. Seat Belts: Make sure they understand the importance of using seat belts and having all passengers buckle up.

3. Don't Drink and Drive: You can't over emphasize enough the importance of not mixing drinking with driving! Help your teenagers to steer clear of harmful peer pressure. Driving while impaired is one of the leading causes of teenage deaths in vehicle crashes and these numbers have been increasing in recent years. Be certain your teen will remember that they can call you to come get them at any time of the day or night. This is an unconditional agreement you should have with your teen, so they do not feel threaten or hesitate calling you when the need arises.

4. Road Conditions: Teach your teen how to drive at night, in bad weather and on changing road conditions.

5. State Regulations: Have them review your state legal regulations that are applicable to all drivers, such as seat belts, cell phone restrictions, etc. and then verbally test with them on it.

6. Other Drivers: Help them learn how to notice and avoid impaired drivers or vehicles with safety issues.

7. Passengers: The safety of your teen and those with them and around them should be a topic of discussion. Your teen should not be allowed to drive with non-family members in the car for the first 6 months to a year, unless an adult is in the car with them. It is important to find out what the age restrictions your state may have.

8. Restrictions and Privileges: Write down reasonable restrictions on your teenager's driving privileges, such as limiting the amount of passengers, driving location distances and/or reduced nighttime driving.

9. Driving Distance: Tell them how to maintain a safe distance from other cars on the road.

10. Communication: Make it understood they are to inform you where they are going and when they are going to be back. You can also ask them which route they plan on taking and maybe suggest a better one that will save them time or be a safer choice. Good communication can help save lives!

11. Distractions: Teach them to deal with distractions, such as friends, phones and music.

Creating your own personal Parent and Teen Driving Agreement will help keep the lines of communication open and effective. You can help your teenager gain experience without mishaps and also gain additional privileges as they adhere to your driving agreement.

Ramona Jackson enjoys writing articles of current interest that are prevalent in today's society with ideas and information that will benefit her readers. For more money saving tips on car insurance, please visit Ramona's Blog at

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